Located Just An Hour’s Boat Ride North Of Tofino Sits Hot Springs Cove.

Hot Springs

Located just an hour’s boat ride north of Tofino sits Hot Springs Cove, on Ahousaht First Nation Territory. Most of the journey is spent atop calm waters, and brings you on a scenic voyage among numerous islands that play host to an abundance of wildlife.

The Cove

Your Arrival

Upon arrival at the cove, there is a 1.5km boardwalk that connects the wharf to the hot springs themselves.The route winds its way beneath a wondrous canopy of old growth trees, leading to the springs that rest on the rim of the headland, overlooking the Pacific.

The Pools

The adjoining pools sit carved in the rocks, with a majestic waterfall for those looking to experience nature’s utmost of outdoor showers. And for the bravest of the bunch, the lower pool floods with the surge of the tide, presenting an icy plunge to take the edge off the heat.